Setting Out Service Specialists at your disposal in Shrewsbury and across the UK
Our setting out service is ideal if you need dimensions generating from a large-scale plan, which can then be used to accurately locate the planned development on-site. Our CAD drawing service specialists use highly accurate CAD drawings, and ensure the service is tailored to your exact requirements.
Expert Setting Out Engineers
After surveying a project area, building companies, architects and design engineers need the data to be transformed into physical detail on site. That’s where we come in! Setting out is the next crucial phase before construction work begins. Our experienced setting out engineers use modern technology and instrumentation, to physically and precisely mark out details from survey data, drawings and models onto the ground. Our engineers can quickly and effectively pinpoint positions and set out subterranean features like pile positions ground beams, as well as structures that will be built above ground.
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Efficient setting out services
Our experts have a wealth of setting out experience, are fully qualified and accredited, and can perform a wide range of surveying services. Battlefield Land Surveys is particularly effective if your project timing is critical. Whenever possible, we will make sure to check the dimensional accuracy of the development plans before we visit the site, which means we arrive on-site, ready armed with the final setting out coordinates in order to save you both time and money.